Want to Wake Up for Real?

Mahamudra, or the Great Seal, offers an unfolding series of practice instruction that consolidates 2000 years of profound (often secret) Indo-Tibetan wisdom into one course. Using the mind to go beyond the mind, into Awareness of Awareness itself. 

These teachings, when applied in earnest, wake us up to what reality (really) is and what it (really) isn't. They offer detailed guidance for breaking through illusion to experience the ultimate nature of reality for ourselves. 

From that place of power, we create our world. 

Join Us.

Click here to enroll. Or see pricing options below.

What We'll Be Doing Together

An overview from Class One

Pricing options

Please choose what best suits your heart, wallet, and identity. No one turned away for lack of funds.

What's Included

  • 8 Video Lessons

    15.5 hrs of material. Also available via audio. All content accessible upon purchase so that you may learn at your own pace.

  • 8 Guided Meditations

    One for each flavor of "emptiness" we explore throughout this course. Want first person realization of ultimate reality? Get thee to thy cushion.

  • Course Notes & Slides

    Donated by senior students to support your study of these advanced concepts and practices. It takes a village!

What People Are Saying

“The courses are mystical and inspirational because the sky is the limit. They draw on ancient traditions where the goals and highest visions are beyond this world. That makes it fun and exciting to study with Kimberly because I continue to stretch my ideas of what I thought was possible.”


“If there is the smallest flutter inside of you that calls you to work with Lama Kimberley and this path, do it. She is ethical, wise, safe, and offers precious jewels. It's not an accident that you've come across this opportunity.”

Robin Lassiter, Author of Earth: A Love Story, Podcaster & Coach

“The most dramatic, veil-piercing moments have come with studying emptiness/mahamudra. I recall a moment in a teaching where I realized that this was what I had understood without any language for it and had been looking for my whole life. ”

Lindsey Dorr-Niro, Artist & Art Professor

“Kimberley's a Modern Sage. Her style is loving, knowledgeable, and grounded in ancient wisdom but adapted for today's times. She's someone I see as not only a teacher but also a mentor and role model of the kind of woman, mother, and person I want to be in the world.”

Tricia Napor, Senior Director, Employee Relations at Yale University

“My biggest aha has been the balance of Self and no-self, the sense of being more deeply connected to the relative reality vehicle and its powers and responsibilities while also becoming wildly empty and infinitely connected to everything visible and invisible, the ultimate totality.”

Marty McConnell, poet

Meet Your Instructor

Kimberley Lafferty

Kimberley Theresa Lafferty is a teacher-practitioner specializing in in the confluence of human development, adult education and Indo-Tibetan Buddhist psychology. Her trans-disciplinary practice offers an educational options online, and in person. She is a seasoned teacher of multi-year educational and practice cohorts, focused on the personal path of awakening integrating Mahayana, Vajrayana and Classic Yoga teaching with modern psychological wisdom. Kimberley is an active board member of the Association for Spiritual Integrity, a wife, mother to a teen, residing in a remote mountain community. Her lived experience deeply informs her pragmatic , every day approach to the deep spiritual questions and practices of our time.

Why Mahamudra?

Without the first person realization that construct awareness (Mahamudra) brings, we're simply mistaken about how reality works. If we haven't "woken up" to how reality actually functions, we take actions that do not lead to our intended results. 

We repeat the same fights with our partners and friends, we create habits and patterns that keep us stuck, or we feel like something is missing. Like there's an essential truth that's so close but no one's talking about it. 

Mahamudra brings you to that truth. It dissolves the ceiling we hit in our practice. Piercing the veil between you and the extraordinary, between you and the ever-loving, between you and a power so complete it has no opposite. 

Want to grow & wake up into the highest known stages of adult development? Get Mahamudra.

Stabilize Your Mirror-Mind

And watch your world transform.